servicio cera hombre

Hair waxing for men

Would you like to feel more comfortable with yourself? The removal of bodily hair amongst men is ever more frequent. Each week in our Wellness Neauty Centre we welcome gentlemen who would like to thin out or remove all together the hair in their body, whether because they would like to feel better with themselves, more comfortable, or because of some hobby or sport they practice.

Many men practice self hair removal or they ask their partner to help them, but for a better and safer result it is advisable that you ask the services of professional staff. There is no area of your body that warm wax won’t reach. Although many men have not tried this method yet, mainly because of the fear of pain, it is becoming increasingly popular as people realize the benefits of it.

We are sure that once you’ve tried it you will come back, since you will be very pleased with it. Moreover, you will not have to worry about hair removal in the next 3 to 4 weeks. Would you like to try?

It´s essential to make all apppointments online or via WhatsApp. Thank you for your understanding.

Book some of our services on this button.

Discount packs
Make the most of our discount packs

Pack Wax  1


Back + Shoulders + Underarms

Pack Wax 2


Back +  Chest + Abdomen + Arms +  Underarms

Pack Wax 3


Full legs + Back + Shoulders + Underarms + Chest + Abdomen

Extra treatments
We also offer these other beauty treatments

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Chest and  Abdomen


Lower legs / Upper legs






Full legs




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It´essential to make all appointments online or via WhatsApp. Thank you for your understanding.

You will find a form through which you can choose the day and the hour that most suits you. Book online now.

The benefits of hair waxing for men

Makes your body and muscles more defined and attractive.

Helps you to feel more comfortable and better about yourself.

Improves personal hygiene.

It is perfect for the practice of certain sports.

More effective and lasts longer that other beauty treatments.

Beneficios de la cera caliente para el hombre

[fontawesome icon=»arrow-circle-right» size=»2x» color=»#99C336″ animation_type=»fadeIn»]Mejora de la estética y definición de los músculos.

[fontawesome icon=»arrow-circle-right» size=»2x» color=»#99C336″ animation_type=»fadeIn»]Aumenta la sensación de bienestar y la comodidad.

[fontawesome icon=»arrow-circle-right» size=»2x» color=»#99C336″ animation_type=»fadeIn»]Mejora de la higiene.

[fontawesome icon=»arrow-circle-right» size=»2x» color=»#99C336″ animation_type=»fadeIn»]Perfecta para la práctica de ciertos deportes.

[fontawesome icon=»arrow-circle-right» size=»2x» color=»#99C336″ animation_type=»fadeIn»]Mayor efectividad y duración que otros tratamientos estéticos.

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